Research and Community Service Bureau.

Commercially Ready Products

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Sebelas Maret University (UNS) greatly appreciates the Research and Innovation Department, which has stepped up as an initiator of commercializing Commercial Ready Products. This step is one of the UNS Main Performance Index (IKU) achievements, especially in presenting products that this product can be more beneficial to the community. UNS business units can immediately market these products to provide revenue-generating to increase non-academic income directly. The launch of Commercial Ready Products at the peak of the 45th Anniversary of UNS in 2021 is very relevant to the spirit of PTN-BH-UNS campus autonomy.

The UNS Research and Innovation Department (RISNOV UNS) expresses its most profound gratitude for the persistence of the inventors who have delivered their research results. Also, for the innovators who have produced highly innovative products. RISNOV encourages UNS innovator researchers to conduct research and innovation on an ongoing basis so that the products can be beneficial for society. With UNS Research and Innovation, let's advance significant societal innovations.