The Center for the Study of Democracy and National Resilience (Pusdemtanas), under the auspices of the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) at Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in Surakarta, successfully organized UNS Jazz Nite 2023. The event, attended by hundreds of people, took place on Saturday, March 11, 2023, coinciding with the 47th anniversary of UNS. The event was attended by UNS Rector, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Deans, LPPM Representatives, Professors, Lecturers, and Students, as well as several invited guests, including the Branch Manager of Bank Jateng.
The event, which was held in the Ballroom on the 3rd floor of UNS Tower, started in the afternoon and continued into the evening. It featured a series of agendas, including musical performances by students, professors, Pusdemtanas Jazz, Dharma Wanita Voice Bank Jateng Jazz, indie bands, and a special guest appearance by national musician Tyok Satrio. Additionally, there was also the presentation of the Innovation and Research and Community Service (P2M) Awards by LPPM 2023, which was one of the main highlights of the event.
There were several ranking categories based on the performance data for P2M activities in 2022. These categories included Professors, Chief Lecturers, Lecturers, Assistant Lecturers, Teaching Staff, and Study Programs (Prodi). The top three Study Programs in consecutive order were the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (S1 Teknik Mesin) from the Faculty of Engineering (FT), the Bachelor of Indonesian Language Education (S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia) from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), and the Diploma in Pharmacy (D3 Farmasi) from the Vocational School.