Berita Terkini

Securing First Place in the UNS Inclusion Metric Competition: Evidence of FMIPA's Disability-Friendly

The UNS Inclusion Metric Competition was held as part of the 47th Anniversary of UNS in 2023. Inclusion Metric is a positive effort to measure the implementation of disability-friendly campuses in Indonesian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It also encourages HEIs to become inclusive and disability-friendly campuses.

In addition to measuring inclusivity in HEIs, the UNS Inclusion Metric is also used to formulate HEI policies related to inclusive education, how HEIs build an inclusive culture, realize inclusive educational practices in academic fields, and implement administrative, student-related, and disability-friendly infrastructure matters.

The determination of first place was based on the competition documents and on-site visits to the faculties and schools within UNS. From the assessment results, which included learning support, social support, physical support, and graduate achievement, FMIPA received the highest score.

The award certificate presentation for first place took place at the Center for Disability Studies (PSD) of the UNS Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM UNS) in early April, and the head of the PSD Center presented it, Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf, M.Si, and received by the Dean of FMIPA, Drs. Harjana, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. In a separate interview, Dean Harjana expressed gratitude for this achievement shortly after receiving the award and thanked the entire academic community of FMIPA UNS for their participation and contributions.

"Alhamdulillah, winning first place in the UNS-Inclusion Metric Competition this year is proof that FMIPA UNS is a disability-friendly campus. We express our thanks and congratulations to the entire academic community of FMIPA for their performance, contributions, and participation in maintaining and utilizing facilities to support inclusive campus programs," said Harjana on Friday (April 28, 2023).

Looking ahead, it is hoped that the existing facilities can be maintained and further improved. Equally important is the realization of support for individuals with disabilities, both among lecturers and educational staff at FMIPA UNS, who are ready and trained. To support this, FMIPA organized Disability Service Training some time ago.